বিভাগীয় হিসাব নিয়ন্ত্রকের (ডিসিএ) কার্যালয়


How Amusement Parks Help the Economy in Bangladesh

Amusement parks hold a unique position in the economic landscape of Bangladesh, transcending mere entertainment to become significant catalysts for economic growth. As Bangladesh witnesses a surge in the number of amusement parks, including popular destinations like Fantasy Kingdom Amusement Park, Foy’s Lake Concord Amusement World, and more, they bring with them a wealth of opportunities and benefits.

In this article, we delve into how amusement parks help the economy in Bangladesh, exploring their role in job creation, attracting investments, and promoting tourism. By the end of this read, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how these amusement parks contribute to the economic development and prosperity of Bangladesh.

Creating Jobs

Amusement parks emerge as crucial hubs for job creation in Bangladesh. These recreational havens employ a diverse range of professionals, including managers, operators, maintenance staff, security personnel, food and beverage experts, entertainers, and more. Jobs in this sector demand a spectrum of skills and qualifications, from engineering and accounting to marketing and hospitality, providing employees with decent wages, benefits, and favorable working conditions.

The Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) estimates that amusement parks directly and indirectly create employment for approximately 15,000 individuals in Bangladesh. Remarkably, each amusement park employee is linked to supporting an average of four dependents, indirectly benefiting about 60,000 people. Consequently, amusement parks not only elevate the living standards of their employees and families but also play a pivotal role in reducing poverty, inequality, and unemployment.

Attracting Investments

Another striking dimension of amusement parks is their capacity to attract investments from both domestic and foreign sources. The capital required to construct, operate, and maintain these parks stimulates investment climates in the country. Additionally, amusement parks generate profits and revenues that incentivize further investments in the sector.

According to the BIDS study, amusement parks in Bangladesh have successfully attracted around 10 billion taka (approximately 118 million US dollars) of investment from both the public and private sectors. The study highlights the high rate of return on investment, ranging from 15% to 25%, underlining their positive impact on the economic growth, development, and competitiveness of Bangladesh. These parks not only bolster economic growth but also diversify the economy, create new markets, and foster innovation and entrepreneurship.

Promoting Tourism

The third and final dimension of the contribution of amusement parks to Bangladesh’s economy lies in promoting tourism and generating revenue. These parks draw tourists from both within and outside the country, who in turn, spend money on various goods and services, such as transportation, accommodation, food, souvenirs, and more. Moreover, amusement parks generate a multiplier effect, where the money spent by tourists circulates within the economy, generating more income and employment across various sectors.

The BIDS study reveals that amusement parks in Bangladesh attract roughly 10 million visitors annually, with approximately 5% being foreign tourists. This influx of visitors results in an estimated annual revenue of about 5 billion taka (approximately 59 million US dollars) for the country. Amusement parks play a crucial role in the balance of payments, foreign exchange reserves, and the fiscal budget of Bangladesh.

Amusement parks, through their impact on tourism and revenue generation, contribute significantly to the country’s financial stability and attractiveness as a tourist destination. Additionally, they serve as cultural ambassadors, preserving and promoting Bangladesh’s rich culture, heritage, and diversity.

One prime example of a thriving amusement park in Bangladesh is Fantasy Kingdom Amusement Park, situated in Jamgora, Dhaka. Encompassing over 100 acres of land, Fantasy Kingdom stands as the first and largest amusement park in Dhaka City. Offering a water park, go-karting, a resort, and a heritage park, it caters to the entire family, from adventure seekers to those in search of relaxation and education.


Amusement parks in Bangladesh transcend being mere sources of entertainment, emerging as integral drivers of economic growth. They create jobs, attract investments, and promote tourism, contributing to the prosperity and development of Bangladesh. So, when you plan your visit to an amusement park in Bangladesh, remember that it’s not just about enjoying thrilling rides and exciting shows it’s about participating in the country’s journey towards economic progress. Don’t miss out on the fun and the fascinating economic benefits these parks bring to Bangladesh.

হিসাব মহানিয়ন্ত্রক

জনাব কামরুন নাহার
হিসাব মহানিয়ন্ত্রক (সিজিএ)

ডিভিশনাল কন্ট্রোলার অব একাউন্টস, ঢাকা ডিভিশন

মির্জা মোঃ তারেখ আলী
ডিভিশনাল কন্ট্রোলার অব একাউন্টস, ঢাকা ডিভিশন।